Gobi for Android
Awesome app, already so much better than Snapchat :D
Håper det tar av
The design has improved a lot
Too nice
Love this App so much! Cool , nice, friendly application! love it ! :)
Been looking for a platform like this for a while now, long overdue feature. Glad someone finally did it!
Something like this has definitely been needed!
Great way to keep up with my friends, might just be the next snapchat
Love it <3
When I switch to front facing camera it is faced up side down. Also i can't play videos, they are only "loading" but never start, no sound or image. Using my Nexus 6 on Android 6.0
The concept of stories is really nice, along with the control on users and content within these stories.
I like the whole group chat thing but it hasnt got face filters and video editor like on SC ☺ and it would be cool if you could do group video chats
Går ikke å logge inn hvis man logger ut. Jeg kommer ikke inn igjen :(
B: Statestikken per story er borte. Eller er det bare meg som ikke finner den? R: "Dark mode", mulighet for å velge et mørkt tema i appen. Litt væl mye hvitt imo.
Can't find a way to turn off the automatic crash reporting implemented in last update, and it's not possible to see what's being reported. This raises privacy concerns when you can't disable the reporting, and have no idea what's being sent to the developer of personal information. Uninstalled the app until it's fixed.
Great app!
If I log out of my account I'm unable to log back in to it
Er bare best! Kunne tenke meg å se at flere forskjellige personer legger ut bilder.
Fun and amazing way to keep up with your groups!
Denne appen er rompe
by S####:
Clean and good content