Stagefreaks for Android
Hiervoor heeft Stagefreaks een handige app ontwikkeld. Je hoeft niet naar een website te gaan en te scrollen op je mobieltje. De app heeft een overzichtelijke indeling, afgestemd op mobiele telefoons.
Deze laadt snel en is gemakkelijk te bedienen. Zo vind je direct wat je nodig hebt. Als je inlogt kun je ook administratie bekijken, zoals facturen.
Eindelijk eens een app die je écht nodig hebt!
When you're at work, you probably do not sit at your desk. In the event industry often'm working somewhere on a site, a stage or in a high structure. It is precisely at those times when you make it a tool or equipment is missing or does not comply. Your shoe breaks, you lose a carabiner or the rope is too short. It is convenient not to wait with placing your order. For Stage Freaks picks which immediately. So you have at home as soon as possible what you actually need today.For this placement Freaks has developed a handy app. You do not have to go to a website and scrolling on your mobile. The app has a clear layout, tailored to mobile phones.
This loads quickly and is easy to operate. You'll find what you need instantly. When you log in you can also see records, such as invoices.
Finally an app that you really need!