The VerenigingenApp of FAECTOR (formerly Econometrisch Dispuut, abbreviated as ED). Are you a member of FAECTOR? Then this app makes all of the association info available on your mobile phone.
This app is only available to members of FAECTOR with valid credentials.
The VerenigingenApp is a part of VerengingenWeb. Verenigingenweb is the online IT solution for board members, committees and members. One platform for CRM, CMS, communication, finance and more! www.verenigingenweb.nl The VerenigingenApp or FAECTOR (formerly Econo Dispuut, abbreviated as ED). Are you a member of FAECTOR? Then this app makes all of the association information available on your mobile phone.
This app is only available to members or FAECTOR with valid credentials.
The VerenigingenApp is a part of VerengingenWeb. Verenigingenweb is the online IT solution for board members, committees and members. One platform for CRM, CMS, communication, finance and more! www.verenigingenweb.nl