About 青空Speaker
青空文庫のテキストファイルを表示しながらText to Speech で読み上げるためのアプリケーション
日本語のテストにはN2 TTSを使用しました。
一度取得したテキストは、「図書カード一覧」に入るので、そこで再度開いたり、不要になった場合は該当を長押しし削除を選び、削除します。 Application to read in Text to Speech while displaying the text file of Aozora Bunko
※ If you want to read in Japanese, TTS engine for Japanese is required.
I've used the N2 TTS to test the Japanese.
After putting the TTS of Japanese,
Set of Speech Settings → → voice input / output text of the system
Must be of Japanese TTS engines from the provisions.
The acquisition of the text file, "book card acquisition" button will appear to be a page or WEB reference, link ZIP file exists in the WEB page that you see from the search, you will get when you press the button.
The text that you get once, so enter a "book card list", select and hold deletes the corresponding, and then removed if there is to open again, it is no longer needed.