算数すすむくん2 【整数の性質】 for Android
シリーズ 2では倍数の性質と約数の性質、特別な数(2、3、4、5、6、9)の倍数の見つけ方や、合成数と素数の関係(素因数分解)、公倍数と最小公倍数、公約数と最大公約数を学習して行きます。
About the nature of the nature and number of multiples, and how to find the multiple special number of (2,3,4,5,6,9), the relationship between prime and composite numbers (factoring), and least common multiple common multiple in series 2 , I will continue to learn the greatest common divisor and common divisor.
You can have a problem of "Let's do it" on the way, to check the level of understanding.
Learning When you have completed one way, please check the understanding of "the nature of the integer" conduct exercises.