About 縦型カレンダー
・時刻入力時にテンキー入力可能 ● Calendar of vertical specializing in the list of the one-month view!
● can be synchronized with Google Calendar
Android version of the popular iPhone of "vertical calendar" comes up at last!
We have achieved an overwhelming list of in making the best of the big screen smartphone.
You can understand the scheduled visual or change the background color, it is possible to set the icon.
Also, by setting the widget on the home screen that will enter, and fastest access to an event is possible.
In response to various gesture function, is now supported by switching double-tap zoom, the view, even a month feeding swipe.
I can set the background color and icons in a day view.
Map display is also possible if the location and notes are also displayed, where is registered.
● The main function
Calendar widget creation
• The zoom by double tap
· ON / OFF the display of six week
Map view of location
· Configurable background color and icons in one day for each
- Can be changed to holiday for the background color to set the holiday calendar
• The numeric keypad input to the time input