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또한 울산지방 법원 민사, 가사 조정위원, 울산 검찰청형사조정위원 등 다수의 표창으로 성실함을 인정받으며 나눔 실천의 시작인 나눔편지 발송으로 자연스럽게 주위의 어러운 이웃을 돕는데 행동을 실천하고, 함께 뛰며 앞장서고 있습니다.
It is a good thing that I have the ability to donate to donate (donations talent), also based on the experience of managing a construction company from a young age to be considered a valuable service to low-income home repairs, such as a soup kitchen is now operating close to people's lives to be replaced by a corporation established friends love breaks and operated.To practice love and sharing, which can be a turning point in the promising future of the youth leader, he has served as the regional Disaster Prevention Advisory Committee Community Service Council Committee Chairman outer service organizations the ability to share the warmth with your neighbors think of together than individual ability.
Also Ulsan District Court civil, family mediation committee, including members of Ulsan District Attorney's Office Criminal adjustment practice act to help the neighborhood around the word slippery and receive awards recognize the hard work of a number of naturally begin sending letters of sharing practices of sharing, taking the lead with a beating .