MANIRIST predstavlja jedinstven muški online magazin na Balkanu. Sa željom da vratimo na scenu Maniriste – muškarce koji i jesu (samo) muškaraci, sa urođenim, klasičnim stilom koji nam, bez sumnje, najbolje pristaje; muškarce lepih manira, bez foliranja…nastojimo da pružimo širok izbor najkvalitetnijih muških proizvoda, teme o kulturi, modi, tehnologiji, kao i one koje se mogu kategorisati isključivo kao “muške”.
Pažljivo biramo sve ono što će svakom modernom džentlmenu pomoći da se izdvoji iz mase, ne odustajući od porekla i kvaliteta .
Sve što postavljamo u okviru magazina je preporuka za čitaoce.
Otkrivamo inovativne brendove za koje niste čuli, podržavamo one koji su opravdali svoje postojanje i prošli test vremena i korisnika i s pravom stekli epitet proslavljene vanvremenske klasike.
Promovišemo proizvode koji su estetski elegantni, poseduju visok kvalitet izrade ili su prirodno korisni i poseduju dobar dizajn, funkcionalnost i ostavljaju trajan utisak… Mannerists a unique men's online magazine in the Balkans. With a desire to return to the scene of mannerist - and men who are (only) men with congenital classic style to us, without a doubt, the best fit; Men of good manners, no faking ... we strive to provide a wide selection of quality men's products threads on culture, fashion, technology, as well as those that can be categorized only as "male".
We carefully select all that every modern gentleman will help you to stand out from the masses, not giving up the origin and quality.
All we ask in the context of the magazine is a recommendation for readers.
We discover innovative brands that you have not heard, we support those who justify their existence and passed the test of time and the user is rightfully earned the title of the celebrated timeless classics.
We promote products that are aesthetically elegant, have a high quality workmanship and are naturally helpful and have a good design, functionality and leave a lasting impression ...