About 夏の裏ワザ
これってホントは裏ワザなんかじゃなく、知ってる人が知らない人に教えてないだけ、、なんです。つまり、知ってる人は何食わぬ顔でこっそりお得を味わってるってことですよ。「なんで教えてくれなかったの?」って聞くと、「え?知らなかったの?知ってるとおもってたわ。。」なんて答えが返ってきたりします。ちょっとイラッときたあなた、だいじょうぶです。今度はあなたの番です。誰にでもかんたんにできるけど、知らない人が多いかもしれない、知っててもやらない人が多い裏ワザを、クイズでこっそり教えちゃいます。これでちょっぴりお得感を味わってみてくださいね。 Really I This is not something 's tricks, only know who does not tell people who do not know ,, is what. In other words, people who know is that I have tasted secretly deals innocently. When asked me, "did not you tell me why?", Will or will get an answer say "What? Did not you know? I had thought you know ..". Little it came and Ira' you, is okay. Now it's your turn. But anyone can easily, people who do not know might often, the people who do not do even if you know there are many tricks, we are secretly taught in the quiz. But please try to taste the deals feeling a little in this.