MOLOKO. Семья. Свежий взгляд for Android
Журнал распространяется бесплатно тиражом 20 000 экземпляров в ТК, ТРЦ, магазинах, бутиках, ресторанах, спа-отелях, фитнес-центрах, автосалонах, развлекательных центрах для семейного отдыха и т.д.
Аудитория журнала – семья: нас читают 64% женщин и 36% мужчин, а также их дети.
Мобильное приложение для журнала создано в Magtoapp (
Magazine «MOLOKO. Family. A fresh look "- the only in St. Petersburg edition of the premium that is interesting to read the whole family. Fashion news and recipes - for mom, best gadgets and news from the world of cars - for Dad, master classes - for grandmothers and fun games - for children as well as entertaining and informative articles for all the family. Professional team and unconventional look at familiar things - that's what lies at the heart of our magazine, which comes out both online and in the printed version.The magazine is distributed free circulation of 20 000 copies in the shopping, mall, shops, boutiques, restaurants, spa hotels, fitness centers, car showrooms, entertainment centers for family vacations, etc.
The audience of the magazine - the family: we read 64% of women and 36% of men, as well as their children.
Mobile application for the magazine was created in Magtoapp (