About Taksiran Zakat Emas Kalkulator
Taksiran Zakat Emas (Simpanan) Kalkulator
***dapatkan kod sumber (source code) di sini -> http://blog.kerul.net/2013/09/simple-zakat-calculator.html
Emas Yang Disimpan
Bermaksud emas yang selain daripada perhiasan wanita yang dipakai di badan samaada dalam bentuk mata wang, simpanan, galian, peralatan rumah dan sebagainya.
Ia dikenakan zakat sebanyak 2.5% daripada jumlah yang ada sekiranya kadar yang dimiliki itu sama atau melebihi nisabnya iaitu 85 gram. Ia tidak sama dengan emas perhiasan yang dipakai. Nisab emas yang tidak dipakai ialah sebanyak 85 gram
Timbangan emas x harga semasa x 2.5%
90 gram x RM50 = RM4500 x 2.5% = RM112
Maklumat pembangun: http://www.m-mathurat.com/2013/09/taksiran-zakat-emas-simpanan-kalkulator.html Gold Zakat Assessment (Savings) Calculator
*** Get the source code (source code) here -> http://blog.kerul.net/2013/09/simple-zakat-calculator.html
Gold The Saved
Gold means that apart from women who wear jewelry on the body either in the form of currency, deposits, mineral, home appliances and so on.
It is null by 2.5% of the amount available in the event that owned the same rate or more than nisabnya of 85 grams. It is not the same as gold jewelry worn. Nisab of gold is not used as much as 85 grams
Gold scales x current price x 2.5%
90 gram x RM50 = RM4500 x 2.5% = RM112
Developer Information: http://www.m-mathurat.com/2013/09/taksiran-zakat-emas-simpanan-kalkulator.html
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