About 簿記3級
商品売買 12問
立替金 前払金 前受金 商品券 9問
現金過不足金 当座 小口現金 7問
有価証券 5問
未払金 未収金 預り金 立替金 7問
手形 10問
電車の中、待ち合わせで待っている間など、隙間時間を利用してやってみてください。 I tried to collect the sorting problem of tertiary bookkeeping.
The following items
12 questions merchandising
Advances paid upfront advances received gift certificates Q9
7 questions cash shortage Fri checking petty cash
5 questions securities
Accounts payable accounts receivable deposits advances paid 7 questions
10 questions bill
Since I collected the exercises
In the train, and while waiting in the waiting, please try doing it using the gap time.