About 中学受験 「時事問題」100問 2017年予想問題集
中学受験 「時事問題」100問短 2017年予想問題集
「18歳選挙権」「参院選」は2017(平成29)年度入試でも出題される可能性が高いと見られます。今年の大きな自然災害として「熊本地震」がありました。過去の大地震についてもあわせて見直しておきましょう。その他、オバマ米大統領の広島訪問、伊勢志摩サミット、リオデジャネイロオリンピック・パラリンピック開催、英国のEU離脱、沖縄・辺野古基地問題などもチェックしておいてください Junior high school entrance exam "current affairs" 100 Toitan 2017 expected collection of problems
Test is before collection for one week game problem.
Current affairs in recent years have been questions in the 8-9% of the school, the questions rate is increasing. So, this year attention of the topic and the anniversary issue, drew strongly become a problem in current affairs.
And current affairs, issues and dealing with the serious events that occurred in the previous year of the entrance examination, refers to the "anniversary issue". Entrance examination problem is usually considered to be created during the summer vacation, therefore, it has often taken up the topic of until August,
However, incidents since September also, there is likely to be taken up if it is serious. For example, in the 2016 fiscal year, October, Japan that has become a non-permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations Security Council, have been questions and Paris terrorist attacks of November.
Current affairs, from the question the content of the news itself, will appear on the exam are many problems associated with the learning content of social studies. In addition, there is a tendency for content that is common to science and society (such as earthquakes and natural disasters) are many questions.
The attention of the topic in the 2017 fiscal year entrance examination?
"18-year-old right to vote," "House of Councillors election," is seen as more likely to be questions in 2017 year admissions. There was a "Kumamoto earthquake" as a major natural disaster of this year. Let's review also to the past large earthquakes. Other, Hiroshima visit of US President Barack Obama, Ise-Shima Summit, Rio de Janeiro Olympic and Paralympic held, the United Kingdom of the EU withdrawal, please also keep in check, such as Okinawa, Henoko base issue