試験対策 介護福祉士 問題集 for Android
1人間の尊厳と自立、介護の基本、 2人間関係とコミュニケーション、コミュニケーション技術、 3社会の理解、 4生活支援技術、 5介護過程、 6発達と老化の理解、 7認知症の理解、 8障害の理解、 9こころとからだのしくみ、 10総合問題
Hospital, nursing care health center for the elderly, nursing home, it is often social welfare facilities such as day care centers and welfare service establishments becomes the activity location. Along with the expertise deepening of this job, it is hoped, such as cooperation with the professionals of various paramedic field.
Written test is 10 Courses,
1 human dignity and independence, basic nursing care, 2 human relations and communication, communication technology, 3 community understanding of, 4 life support technology, 5 nursing process, understanding of 6 development and aging, understanding of 7 dementia, of 8 failure understanding, mechanism of body and mind 9, 10 overall problem
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