About お金持ちへの扉
つまりこのクイズを何度も何度も繰り返すことで深層心理に金持ちの思考パターンが蓄積、習慣化し、やがてそれはあなたを金持ち人生に導くことでしょう。 Do you want to be rich future?
There are those who do not the people to become rich and to not a born rich in the world. Why? People who get to get rich, the money is gathered come easy thoughts and habits, the probability of living in the behavior pattern is said to be very high.
This quiz psychology and thinking of rich essential in order to become rich, you can see the action. To be rich is first because first it is necessary to start from the fact that it has a rich specific thought = mind.
If the mind is Kaware, it changes attitude.
If Kaware attitude, changes behavior.
If Kaware is behavior, habits change.
If Kaware habits, personality changes.
If Kaware personality, changes fate.
If Kaware fate, life changes
In other words, in this quiz the both the thought patterns of the rich accumulated in the deep psyche by repeating again and again, it is habit, soon it will be to lead you to the rich life.