CM Link for Android
Now through the IMS software and smartphone technology, what once took time and effort for both the Adjuster and Case Manager, is now quick, efficient, and easy! Convenience is now at your fingertips.
What used to take hours to assign and receive a file, now can happen in minutes. Build your case inventory and increase your productivity at a fraction of the cost.
We understand the underlying desire in each role for efficiency and effectiveness. Download the free IMS CM Link App and join a community of health care professionals who are working smarter by leveraging technology to streamline the process of information exchange.
We are committed to providing the industry with expedient and effective cloud-based solutions allowing every user greater connectivity at the touch of a finger.
Now you can Create and send a referral instantly while establishing a secure messaging path between the Adjuster and Case Manager.
Save valuable time with instant access to Case Managers nationwide.
Case Managers receive quality referrals at a fraction of the cost.
- Instant alert to potential referrals with the ability to immediately accept or decline.
- Convenient and secure access to claimant data from a variety of mobile devices... whenever and wherever you need it.
- Easy access to all open IMS files.
- Instant messaging; reducing communication time between adjuster and case manager.
- Search and send a referral alert to link directly with available case managers in a targeted area.
- Easily locate and select the closest and most qualified Case Manager nationwide in a matter of minutes.
At IMS we are committed to making technology work for you.
Launch the IMS CM Connect mobile app from your iOS or Android smartphone, tablet, or laptop today for instant connectivity.
Real Data. Real People. In Real-Time.