Ibadah - prayer times for Android
Aplikasinya sangat membantu. Namun kadang kalo update location sering madalah
sangat membantu menjadi pengingat dalam solat
Kekurangan ada di iklan :(
Very helpfull
Great app
Sangat berguna dan tampilannya cakep. Recommended.
Kalau bs suara adzan nya dibuat full .. Jangan cuma allahuakbar aja ..
Kagak bisa ngelocating qiblatnya
Alhamdulillah, this app is the best
Because of the ui... But still in Kuwait esha prayer is off by 2-3 mins... Please check with q8 prayer times. Option to choose Azan now available. JazaakAllah
Aplikasinya bagus, tapi qur'an bookmark saya kok gabisa ya. Mohon di perbaiki ya mas. Terimakasiih
I love that adzan voice much
Great app
nice .....thx
I love the UI, different wonderful adzan, ads free. best prayer time
A descent application but lack a dwscent widget which must includes prayer times with sunrise and qibla direction
Always good for the muslims
Sempurna hanya milik Alloh...
Very helpful :D
Nice app!
Love it
Aplikasi ini membantu menentukan arah kiblat dgn cepat
Good app, alhamdulilah, I only wish the mu a'dhin would call the full adhan for all the salah
Almost 5 stars, add widget to show 5 daily prayer time PLUS pre - athan reminder and it'll be just perfect.
Aplikasi bagus bagi kaum muslimin
Barokah bib.. Alhamdulillah
This very good app ,, recomend for this app
app ini sangat bermanfaat bagi umat Muslim yang ingin tepat waktu dalam melaksanakan sholat fardhu.. alarm nya tetap bisa nyala walau gadget dalam kondisi offline.
I'm proud of you. :) mungkin lain kali tambah untuk evaluasi ibadah lainnya. Jazaakallah khair
I'm glad you guys finally made the Android version of this app.. I'm waiting the Android Runtime (ART) compatible version of this app.. other than that, it's a perfect Ibadah app!
Alhamdulillah, terima kasih atas app bagus ini. Interface app terbaik yg pernah saya temukan untuk mobile. Namun, sayang interface di android berbeda dengan yg di iOS, yg di iOS memiliki lebih banyak pilihan setting dan tampilan jg lebih sempurna (contohnya kiblat). Semoga bisa dipertimbangkan untuk menyamakan versi Android dgn verai iOS.
Because of the ui... But still in Kuwait esha prayer is off by 2-3 mins... Please check with q8 prayer times. Option to choose Azan now available. JazaakAllah
This apps is a good reminder to who sometimes forget to shalat
The app is nice in design , colors, accuracy in azan , but one note , the font is kindda blurry , I would love to pay for the developers behind this app, good job
Sangat berguna dan tampilannya cakep. Recommended.
Because of the ui... But still in Kuwait esha prayer is off by 2-3 mins... Please check with q8 prayer times.. Also I need to be able to chose the azan I want to hear short and long.. Pre installed will be okay too but an option to select from the Memory will be better and will keep your app the same size.
This apps is a good reminder to who sometimes forget to shalat
The app is nice in design , colors, accuracy in azan , but one note , the font is kindda blurry , I would love to pay for the developers behind this app, good job
by Z####:
Ini sebetulnya app favorit sejak lama, karena tanpa iklan. Desainnya juga keren dan simpel. Sayangnya, sekarang baru instal lagi tapi kenapa susah getting location? Muter mulu. Saya coba instal aplikasi waktu salat lain, lokasinya langsung dapat. Tolong diperbaiki, sayang euy kalau sampai harus uninstal. Terima kasih.