About Guide For Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
Feature and guide game:
* The players will be given life points at 2000, 4000, 8000, 12000, 16000. (depending on the agreement)
** dipermainan no stage or a particular turn, draw phase (DP) which is take the stage first card of the deck, standby phase (SP) is preparing to play, play phase 1 (MP1): stage activate the card or summon monsters, battle phase (BP) namely the attack phase, the main phase 2 (MP 2) that (together with the main phase 1), and the end phase (EP) is the end of our turn and followed the enemy's turn.
*** The players will use the deck (where the card will be used) deck is divided into three, which is the main deck comprising a minimum of 40 cards and a maximum of 80 cards, side deck (deck reserves) may not exist or maximum 15 cards, and extra deck (deck fusion ) in maximum 15 cards.
**** The maximum card in the hands of six cards, so if there are six cards in the hands of the player shall throw kekuburan during the end phase (EP).
***** Life Point is reduced difference usually corresponds attack enemy monsters to attack the monster alone and in an attacking position, while the monster defensive player point of life is not reduced. If the monster attacked by enemy attack points together, then both monsters will be destroyed and there is no damage to life point.
****** The conditions for winning a duel is one of the following conditions (whichever comes first met), namely: Spent "Life Points" The enemy that 0, or the opponent to surrender or Spent Deck opponent so that the opponent can not draw another card from the pile deck
******* To MATCH DUEL, is a duel with the game system, which first won the duel 2 of 3 matches. This game is usually carried out in the game, because it is more fair. But it also depends on the agreement of both players.
Keep in mind! this just app. giude games, DO NOT GAMES !!!