About Persian Arabic Dictionary - PA
Persian-Arabic Dictionary for your help in study and work, fast and immediate, gives you a better and faster performance, contains more than 150 thousand word and phrase translated from Persian into Arabic and vice versa as well (from Arabic into Persian).
Some advantages of this translator :
* Easy to use
* Immediate glossary of words synonymous
* Slight size gives you an instant translation
* Remember what you've translated in the database
* Read the words sound
* The proportion of errors in this Translator almost non-existent.
=> Persan Arabe Dictionnaire voix
=> فارسی عربی دیکشنری صوتی
=> قاموس عربي فارسي ناطق صوتي
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Persian Arabic Dictionary - PA version 1.0 on your
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Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
net.generalculture.persian.arabic.dictionary, download Persian Arabic Dictionary - PA.apk
by G####:
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