Soccer Dad for Android
Manage all your driving appointments, find contact info for everyone in your van pools, phone or text their relative(s) as needed, get driving directions, and more.
Features include:
• Familiar calendar view of all upcoming drop off and pickup events, with layouts that are easier to use and more flexible than the built-in Android calendar app
• Quickly switch between views of Today, Day, Week, and Month
• Include detail appointment info as needed for who to drive for what, where, when, and how often
• Quickly access phone and email contact info for all passengers and their relatives in case of changes, delays, or challenges that may arise
• Tap to switch to your GPS to find the best route between stops
• Set a password for security of your loved one's schedules
• Tailor alarms and reminders with a full set of features, including variable snooze times and repeat factors, variable alarm warning times, and how long to repeat overdue alarms
• Sync from the built-in Android contacts to save you lots of setup time, and resync from the contacts app at any time to avoid duplicated data entry
• Create groups such as sports teams with multiple appointments to track
• Record and view special notes for people, groups, and locations
• Track multiple contacts such as mobile vs. home vs. work phones, home vs. alternate addresses, work vs. personal emails, etc.
Your family, friends, passengers and fellow drivers will appreciate how organized and efficient you can be!