About 南投旅遊景點地圖
南投縣位於台灣本島中心地帶,是台灣唯一不靠海的縣。由於濁水溪、烏溪等河流的源頭都在此,加上動、植物的生態資源相當豐富,因此南投縣享有「大地之母」的美譽,並且擁有最美麗的湖泊-日月潭及豐富的原住民文化 Nantou County is located in the heart of the island of Taiwan, the sea is not the only county in Taiwan. Since the source of LTK, Wu River and other rivers are in this, coupled with dynamic and very rich ecological resources of plants, so enjoy Nantou County "Mother Earth" in the world, and has the most beautiful lakes - Sun Moon Lake and the rich Aboriginal culture