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- 관광가이드 추가
- 업소록 UI 변경
v1.1 (2011.11.04)
- 광고 및 등록 신청 게시판 입력폼에 자판 출력 안되는 오류 수정.
제작 : 앱툴즈 http://www.apptools.co.kr
개발자 연락처 :
부산광역시 해운대구 우2동 1475번지 센텀벤처타운 203호
Hello Yellow Pages of Hawaii.
Yellow Pages, recommended businesses, favorites, search for businesses, businesses register, Banner, event information by businesses.
Mobile Web and App combines fast business information can be seen at a glance.
Registration is free businesses.
Mandatory application to all travelers or immigrants Hawaii Hawaii Yellow Pages Hello!
- Tourist Guide more
- Yellow Pages UI changes
v1.1 (2011.11.04)
- Advertising and registration application output should not errors Forums modify keyboard input form.
By App tuljeu http://www.apptools.co.kr
by R####:
헬로우하와이 네 참 편리합니다