About 藝流感
可是為什麼畢卡索畫的人像臉都扁平的卻是偉大的畫作?野獸派為何很野獸? 什麼又是立體派? 浪漫派音樂就一定浪漫嗎? 噪音也可以是一種音樂? 所有有關古典的、現代的、未來的藝術知識、作品,乃至活動訊息,《藝流感》通通一次報給你知。 Taiwanese increasing emphasis on the spiritual life, world-class art exhibitions, experimental art, cultural gatherings, creative market, musical appreciation, everywhere, digital, avant-garde have the box office, art is so light and sticky upper body Hello.
But why Picasso painted portraits flat face is great paintings? Fauvism Why is it beast? What is cubism? Romantic music is absolutely romantic.? Noise can also be a kind of music? Classical, modern, the future artistic knowledge, work, and even Events, Arts flu "all at once you know.