생활지압 새 시즌 for Android
** 지압(피부의 지압점)
1. 지압이란?
지압이란? ,지압법과 단위, 부위별 혈자리(머리와 목, 몸통, 팔과 손, 다리와 발), 주의사항
감기, 고열, 구취 ,구토,급체,두통, 딸국질, 멀미,목 결림, 발기 부전, 변비, 불면증, 빈혈, 생리과다, 생리불순, 생리통, 설사, 소화불량, 월경전 불안정 증후군, 위장 질환, 이 갈이, 치질, 코 막힘, 코골이, 코피, 콧물, 혓 바늘
3. 테마별
- 다이어트(윗배, 아랫배, 종아리, 허리, 허벅지, 발목,식욕억제,공복감)
- 피부미용(피부미용,피지조절,여드름,기미 주근깨)
- 숙취해소 (숙취해소, 숙취로 머리 아플때)
- 임산부
- 아기지압(주의점, 고열,혈액순환,면역력,토유,아기설사)
- 수험생(머리회전이 안될때, 눈이피곤할때, 등허리 뻐근 할때,손목피로, 팔목 피로,어깨피로,목뻐근,마음이 불안할때)
- 사무실( 눈이피곤할때, 등허리 뻐근 할때,손목피로, 팔목 피로,어깨피로,목뻐근)
- 운전중(멀미, 졸릴때)
- 다리쥐날때 (쥐날때, 쥐예방)
** Shiatsu (jiapjeom of the skin)
Configuration information
1. What is Shiatsu?
Shiatsu is? , And jiapbeop units, site-specific blood spot (head and neck, torso, arms and hands, legs and feet), Notices
2. Life symptoms
Colds, fever, bad breath, vomiting, geupche, headache, hiccups, nausea, neck stiffness, impotence, constipation, insomnia, anemia, menstrual excessive, menstrual irregularity, cramps, diarrhea, indigestion, premenstrual instability syndrome, gastrointestinal disease, and this go, hemorrhoids, nasal congestion, snoring, nosebleeds, runny nose, needle hyeot
3. Theme
- Diet (witbae, abdomen, calf, back, thigh, ankle, appetite suppression, hunger)
- Beauty (Beauty regulate sebum, acne, freckles)
- Hangover (Hangover, Head sick with a hangover)
- pregnant woman
- Baby Acupressure (Note, fever, blood circulation, immunity, toyu, baby diarrhea)
- The candidate (when the head should not rotate, when the eyes are tired, when deungheori stiff, wrist fatigue and wrist fatigue and shoulder fatigue, stiff neck, when the mind is unstable)
- Office (when the eyes are tired, when deungheori stiff, wrist fatigue and wrist fatigue and shoulder fatigue, stiff neck)
- During operation (motion sickness, when they are sleepy)
- When jwinal legs (when jwinal, rat prevention)