About YMCA Palestra
La YMCA sport’s factory nasce nel 2002. E' una palesta in Grosseto, nel cuore della Maremma Toscana, in Via Della Repubblica, 2. cell.339-3287888
Servizi: sala pesi linea selection ed excite di Technogym, Spinning, ginnastica dolce, total dance, total body, body sculpt, step, pilates for fitness, ginnastica posturale, hip hop balli caraibici, personal trainer. The YMCA sport's factory was founded in 2002. It 'a palesta in Grosseto, in the heart of Tuscany, in Via Della Repubblica, 2. cell.339-3287888
Services: weight room and excite Technogym selection line, Spinning, gymnastics, dance total, total body, body sculpt, step, pilates for fitness, gymnastics, hip hop Caribbean dances, personal trainer.