Christian Musik & Testimonials for Android
Aplikazio honetan aurkituko duzu:
-Musika Christian (onena abeslari bat)
-Kristauak Lekukoak
-Christian Predicacions
-Christian Films
-Christian Cançons Kids
-Ajuda Online da non esaten Kontaktua
* Askok gauza gehiago aplikazioa deskargatzeko baduzu bakarrik jakingo duzu
* Abesti bat, lekukoak film bat edo haurrak aplikazio dituzu abesti bat proposatzen baduzu.
* Android telebistan ere eskuragarri
Aplikazioa ez da izango dute eguneratzeko zerbait aldatu ezik dugu
This application replaces the previous app Witnesses and Christian music has the same content but better.In this application you will find:
Christian music (one of the best singers)
Christian Witnesses
-Christian Predicacions
-Christian Films
-Christian Cançons Kids
Online is where it says Contact -Ajuda
* Only you will know if you have many more things to download the application
* A song, a movie or child witnesses suggest a song if you application.
* Android is also available on TV
The application does not have the will to change something unless we update