About Ganapatiji Aarti Sagar
Nowadays we can see many people using their mobile phone all day long. They are always busy with it and don’t care about the things going around them. What if, we provide you the mechanism where in you can now offers prayers to the deity without having a book in your hand. Yes Aarti Sangrah is the unique service which can help you to recite Aarti, Mantra or Chalisa of one or more deities. This is one of the service of its type which has a good collection of Aarties , mantra’s and Chalisa related to a particular God and that too on your finger tips.In this fast era you can now offer prayers not only at home but when you are traveling or at your workspace with the help of this unique service which is available with you 24X7.
Main Features:
1. Drawer System : this feature helps in maintaining an index system where in you can jump or move to any content without opting the procedural back system. You can select the arties, Mantras or Chalisa etc. This will help you save time which you might perform in searching pages from the book.
2. Well defined menu for selecting the option among Aarti, Mantra and Chalisa.
3. Fonts and colors are used keeping in mind the Hindu religion and at the same time is easy to read.
4. The service is absolutely free with no hidden charges or registration required.
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murli.technologies.com.ganpatijiaarti, download Ganapatiji Aarti Sagar.apk
by X####:
Very nice app