About MovieMojo
MovieMojo is a movies discovery app, optimized for tablets, to help users discover popular and highly rated movies on the web. It displays a scrolling grid of movie trailers, launches a details screen whenever a particular movie is selected, allows users to save favorites, play trailers, and read user reviews. This app utilizes core Android user interface components and fetches movie information using themoviedb.org web API.
1.App uses TMDB Api to fetch the data.
2.The main layout shows recent popular movies.
3.There is toggle option to see "Popular Movies" , "Highest Rated Movies" and "Favorite Movies".
4.Favorite Movies are movies saved offline.
5.The detail view shows: a. Movie Synopsis b. Poster c. Rating d. Trailers (horizontally scrollable) e. Reviews.
6.A button to mark a movie favorite is present in detail View.