Girişimcinin El Kitabı for Android
Girişimler İnsan ve malzemeden oluşan kişi veya emtia topluluğu şeklindeki örgütlerdir. Kâr (kazanç) ve yarar (fayda) sağlamayı amaçlar. Üretim, pazarlama, tedarik, finansman gibi amaçlarla ortaya çıkarlar. Girişimler hukuki nitelikleri itibariyle genelde bir işletme veya şirket olarak yapılanırlar. Ancak girişim kavramı bir işletmeden ziyade yenilikçi, değişen şartlara uyum sağlama kabiliyetine sahip ve belirli bir düzeyde risk almış olan bir oluşumu anlatır.
Entrepreneurship, bringing together the factors of production for the production of economic goods and services, the creation of the organization has been converted to the new values of economic opportunities. The time and effort put forward by financial, psychological and social risks is put forward based on monetary gain and personal satisfaction obtained from the different actions.Initiatives are organized in the form of individual or community of human and material commodities. Profit (income) and benefits (benefits) is intended to provide. Production, marketing, procurement, financing arises for such purposes. Initiatives are generally structured as a legal nature as a business or company. However, the concept of a business venture rather than innovative, capable of adapting to changing circumstances and tells a formation that has to a certain level of risk.