Supilinna salaselts for Android
Mobiilirakendus areneb koos filmi valmimisega ja võimaldab osa saada selle tegemisest. Sul on võimalus lugeda filmi kohta, vaadata fotosid ja isegi registreerida ennast filmi näitlejaks.
"Supilinna secret society" is the adventurous children's film, set in the summer in Tartu. Four tablespoons of urban children: Mary, Showers, and Olav Anton salaseltsi create their own little mission to find treasures by Mari's grandfather, an elderly university professor is brilliant for those with a masterly hidden away. Until all of a sudden it gets serious ...Mobile application evolves with the completion of the film and allows it to become part of the decision. You are able to read about the film, view photos and even record yourself film actress.