About Coupons, Deals & More
Tired of searching for coupons and offers for your online purchases? Look no further, Alissa has done the job for you.
Proactive notifications
Alissa gives notifications of discounts, offers, promotions and coupons directly in your Android Stock Browser, or Android Chrome Browser while you visit the website of the merchant. No more checking other apps, fora or websites to get the best deals.
10.000+ Active deals, coupons and promotions
Alissa has at any given time 10.000+ active deals, coupons and promotions in 10+ countries in over 5000+ webshops worldwide.
Always up to date
Deals and Promotions are updated multiple times a day, expired deals automatically dissapear from the the mobile android application to ensure only active deals are visible
Great Rating and user appreciation
Alissa has achieved a 4.7+ stars out of 5 star rating from the users for over a longer period of time. Users keep coming back and enjoy the discounts, offers, promotions and coupons
Currently Alissa also offers:
* Pick your favorite stores, create a list of your favorite stores to get fast access to their deals
* See all coupons and promotions from your favorite stores
* Browse all coupons and promotions from all stores in the countries you selected
Alissa is your personal online mobile shopping assistant. Alissa presents coupons and offers to you while you browse the websites of your favorite online stores in a non intrusive way.
Find and discover great deals, unique offers and money saving coupons while you surf the web, without the hassle of visiting forums or deal aggregators to get the best bang for the buck.
Alissa will find coupons, deals and sales promotions for a wide range of stores such as Amazon, Forever21, eBay, Target, Newegg, Dell, Walmart,and many more. New coupons, deals, promotions and webshops are added daily.
Alissa will help you to find coupons, deals and sales promotions for special occasions such as valentines day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Father's day, Mother's day, Birthdays. Baby-showers and more.,
At this moment Alissa is compatible with the following browsers:
- Android Stock Browser
- Google Chrome
Alissa lists coupons and deals for:
- United States
- Germany
- United Kingdom
- India
- The Netherlands
- Australia
- Canada
And new countries are added regularly.
Let us know how you find Alissa. Alissa is constantly learning and developing herself, she would love to hear from you on how she can improve her service.
Find all our apps:
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/alissamobi
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alissa.mobi
Website: http://alissa.mobi
Privacy policy: http://alissa.mobi/privacy
Terms and Conditions: http://alissa.mobi/terms
** This app might be incompatible with other apps and plugins such as Priceblink, Invisble hand, Coupons.com, Poachit, Shopsavvy, Retailmenot, Shopular, ebates or other coupon apps or browser addons. Please report incompatibility issues and other bugs to us so we can fix them.
by U####:
Too cluttered and I don't like the layout. Much better similar apps out there.