About 王瑞麟
本 App 展示王瑞麟作品。
王瑞麟,(1978-)藝術家,出生於廣東省南海市,2002年畢業於華南師範大學藝術系,2008年取得華南師範大學現代藝術與理論研究碩士。閣下可透過 alandanceparty@yahoo.com.hk 聯繫他。 The App shows Wang Ruilin works.
Wang Ruilin, (1978 -) The artist, born in Nanhai City, Guangdong Province, South China Normal University in 2002, graduated from the Art Department, 2008 and obtained a master of modern art theory South China Normal University. You can contact him through alandanceparty@yahoo.com.hk.