Meu Busão BG for Android
Atualmente, o Meu Busão BG oferece consultas das rotas de ônibus para as seguintes localidades:
Borgo, Cembranel, Res. Videiras, Cohab II, Lot. São Paulo, Conceição, Dom Inácio, Enologia, Tancredo, Eulália, Faria Lemos, Santa Bárbara, São Valentim, Fórum, Goretti, Loteamento Bertolini, Loteamento Bertuol, Municipal, Glória, Novo Futuro, Ouro Verde, Panazzolo, Universitário, Progresso, São João, Vinhedos, São Roque, Aparecida, Vale Aurora, Vila Nova e Zatt.
The application informs the municipal bus schedules of companies operating in the city of Bento Gonçalves - RS. Easy and practical, it offers an alarm for you to program your day and still arrive on time at the stop to pick up the busão.Currently, My busão BG offers consultations of bus routes for the following locations:
Borgo, Cembranel, Res. Vines, Cohab II, Lot. São Paulo, Conception, Bishop Ignatius, Enology, Tancredo, Eulalia, Faria Lemos, Santa Barbara, St. Valentine, Forum, Goretti, Bertolini Allotment, Allotment Bertuol, Municipal, Glory, New Future, Green Gold, Panazzolo, university, Progress, are John Vineyards, San Roque, Aparecida, Aurora Valley, Vila Nova and Zatt.