About Anon Chat
Now you be Anon Chat with anyone throughout the world. Feel free to chat on any topic with anyone. Download “Anon Chat” and join the biggest free global chat rooms available. Here you can socialize, meet new people, meet with people of your interest, flirt and even find out dates around you. It’s free for all and anyone can join this chat room.
No registration needed!, No Mobile Number, No E-Mail ID, You just enter one thing - Nickname. That's all!
Use any unique Nickname and start Chatting.
Create a chat room of your own choice - name it anything!
There are no channel (chat room) lists, so a secret chat room name can be used for private discussions.
Why Anon Chat ?
✭ No Registration Needed
✭ One tap Chat, Quick and Fast
✭ Create own Secret Group for Private Chatting
✭ Poke Friends by clicking on their names
✭ Get and Send Notifications by Poking each other from different Groups
✭ 1,000,000+ interesting peoples online around the world
✭ No Names. No Spam. No History. Just Fun
Anon Chat App is much better, bigger and safer than most of the chat apps to meet new people free. It is heavily censored for inappropriate content which could be user generated chatting with strangers. The chat rooms are fully secure and anonymous. The messages are encrypted and self-destructing as per your requirement.
Join 100+ MILLION PEOPLE chatting and making new friends. It’s for all ages, all nationalities, all backgrounds — EVERYONE!
So what are you waiting for? Download the best app for finding new friends to chat with!
by A####:
This game I hate like no one even joins ur groups