for Android
Hi livechart,why i can't use this app,when i open this app,that say error
Good job fixing the error guys ????
Exactly what I needed for the chaotic world of anime and ep. air dates. Really useful for anyone that watches a few episodes of anime per week to easily keep track to watch online (ofc i cant watch in the japaneese national tv, beside i would need sub like most).
Why is it showing error 403?
Been a good two years since I made my last review. Now I've upped to 5 stars! It's come a long way since then. Great work guys.
Having some problems with the new update its giving an error "526" and it seems that it's happening to all of your users I hope that this problem will be resolved quickly....
Why? Says Server returned error 526 After Update Tried reinstalling but still no Luck
The new update is giving an error whenever I turn it on and I really need it for my seasonals. Please fix this
"The server returned an error 526" please fix this. Love the app but can't use it until it's fixed :/
Great App.
Please add "Marked First" option in Sort menu. Anime that I added will show first serially in daily schedule list.
It's good
Keep up the good work
If you create manga news app like this so it would be good
New version crashed on asus
Good app but if you put all old anime and tag will be more great!
Good start for a LC app. I only wish the season's chart would change the color of the show's entire square to symbolize watching or considering, like the actual site does, instead of just the small tag to the side. That's much more eye catching when scrolling through and has me continuing to use the mobile site instead.
Awesome app. Only one problem that the countdown is of raw episode not of subbed episode ,so please can you also add the subbed episode date and time.
I love the app and the way everything is displayed and organized. My only request is that you add a "Watched" status so that I can keep track of all the Anime I've watched and so that they don't show up again if I've already watched them.
Great App
Best App For Anime Watcher.
Good costumer service.
Best app for listing upcoming anime to watch
My go-to-app for checking new season of anime!
Please can you add age info on each anime
Add new update that i can see total anime did i watch
Great app, helps to keep info nice and tidy.really easy to use
Nah, only just change the color after selecting watched..... Waiting for update....
I have many marked anime. But after scrolling to look all anime i marked, it stopped in the middle and it said page limit reached. Please make it can see all anime marked. And please update your anime database, like freezing special, utawarerumono, etc.
Very nice app...
Love it!!!
Cool apps
Looks fine now.
The only important on this app is the notification or tracking function and view list. Make this an offline app.
on RLS and THTR please add the date, not just a countdown. it would be perfect ????
Amazing. Not just scheduled for tv episodes, but seasons movies, OVAs as well. It's good.
by D####:
"The server returned an error (500)", how to fix this problem?