About Inspiring Mums
It's not all heels and bubbles you know, some days you'll find me jumping on the trampoline, getting dirty making sand castles and pulling silly faces on the iPad with the kids just for fun!That's the reality of modern families these days, just ask any of my Inspiring Mums® Community, they'll back me on that!I'm blissfully married to my best friend, devoted and hardworking Englishman, Danny. An imperfect mum to a my two little offspring, creative Jazmin (8), a super active 3 year old David (aka Bam Bam!) and equally active Beagle puppy, Roxy! Yep! It's a simple life in modern suburbia, but it's ours and we love it!But it didn't start out all roses and sunshine for me though. It's been a hell of a journey to reach this point in life of peace and happiness. But, please..."Don't judge a book by its cover!" - there hasn't been a 'silver spoon life' for me, this smile took YEARS to create and I'm keepin' it thanks!I've created a life that works for our family and lifestyle. I have flexibility as a work at home mum (WAHM), mumpreneur, ausmumpreneur, business mum, business woman, entrepreneur, mummy blogger - whatever you want to call me, I'm ok with it! I aim to grow and be inspired for life every day, even the bad days. And yes, I have them too!
by T####: