About DP 2017
Why is this app useful to attendees?
The app is designed to enhance the attendee’s event experience and enables them to:
• Easily access important event information, such as:
• Complete schedule
• Speaker/Exhibitor/Sponsor information
• Venue maps
• Share their event experience with others by checking in to sessions,
meeting areas, and exhibitor booths.
• See what is most popular with fellow attendees.
• Earn badges and prizes while participating visiting exhibitors
• Expand their professional network and have fun! The app provides an easy way to connect with fellow attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors during the event.
What are the different sections of the app?
• Profile – Attendee’s official app profile, highlighting their name,
profile photo, title, and company.
• Status Updates – Check In to share comments, photos, and
session(s) attended
• Attendees - See who is at the event and connect with them in the
• Activity Feed - See what people are doing, view photos from the
event, find trending sessions and topics, and “like” or comment on
other attendees’ check-ins.
• Agenda – View the event’s full agenda and add sessions you’re
interested in either to your in-app personal agenda or to your
personal calendar
• Bookmarks - "Bookmark" any Speakers/Sponsors/Exhibitors that
you want to refer back to by tapping "Add to Bookmarks" on the
info page of that item. You can then easily access all of your
bookmarked items by visiting the Bookmarks app section
• Exhibitor and Sponsor Profiles – View sponsor and exhibitor
information including their company description, logo, website,
social media pages, contact information, booth location, and even
connect with them at the event with a click of a button
• Interactive Map- Easily switch between exhibitor profiles and
exhibitor booth locations on the map, and find the quickest route
from booth to booth on the exhibit floor