SFTH for Android
★★★★★Night and Light Mode; dapat dipilih sesuai kenyamanan mata Anda ketika membaca.
★★★★★Satu Apps untuk banyak kisah SFTH
★★★★★Judul berurutan menurut abjad
★★★★★Masing-masing part tertata dengan rapi.
★★★★★Dapat Pindah ke part Selanjutnya atau Sebelumnya dengan mudah
★★★★★Last Read tagging untuk setiap halaman yang telah dikunjungi.
★★★★★File APK yang sangat kecil sekali. Hanya 1.16 MB.
FACEBOOK Page => https://www.facebook.com/SFTH.apk/
This app is coded with love. :)
Wes donlot 2 x g iso dibuka.
ga bisa dibuka
Mantap gan di coba dulu
mantap gan
by Y####:
As long as I used this app 'till November 2016 that's normal and I appraise to this app so good :2thumbup... but when I open this app a few days ago that the app can not opened anyway even though my data was turned on. Please fix this error and i will give you 5 stars :)) thanks before