Pöial-Liisi Demo for Android
Tegemist on prooviversiooniga, mis sisaldab 16 lehekülge.
Täisversioon sisaldab 39-t lehekülge, millest 17 on interaktiivsed illustratsioonid, kus on võimalik puudutades ning tahvelarvutit kallutades muinasjuttu ellu äratada. Sobilik nii lastele kui ka vanematele. Jutustaja rollis on Katrin Karisma-Krumm ning kõikidel lehtedel kuuleb ka tema ette loetud teksti.
Ostes meie tehtud raamatuid, toetate uute eestikeelsete e-raamatute loomist.
Pöial-Liisi on saadaval ka teistele seadmetele
This is the estonian version of the classic Thumbelina fairy tale and a new interactive way to experience the story.
This is a trial version, which contains 16 pages.
The full version includes 39-t pages, 17 of which are interactive illustrations which can be touching and tilting the tablet from fairy tales to life. Suitable for both children and parents. The narrator is Katrin Karisma-Krumm and hear all the pages of his text read.
Made by purchasing our books, support the creation of new Estonian-language e-books.
Thumbelina is also available for other devices
This is the Estonian version of the classic fairy tale Thumbelina a new and interactive way to experience the story.