About 수학교육 DHMATH (두매쓰 문일지억)
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수학이 결코 지루하거나 재미없는 과목이 아니라는 것을 알려주고 싶은 선생님들이 열정으로 똘똘 뭉쳤지요.
두매쓰에 궁금한점,하고싶은 말을 언제든지 올려주세요.
확인하는데로 정성껏 답해 드리겠습니다.
감사합니다. Mathematical thinking to realize both Math!
This is where the study of mathematics teaching methods and materials, and constantly develop parish.
I want to inform the teacher that bright mungchyeot have a passion that is not boring or not fun math courses ever.
Ask me questions any time you want to say that the two Mathematica.
We will answer as to check carefully.
Thank you.
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