Tasty.lv for Android
It's not even recipes anymore...it's like spam...wtf
Nonsense app..
Not english
The language is wrong and I'm not even sure if this has settings. If it does, I can't read it because of the different language. And the recipes aren't even that good. The pictures look like they turn out dry. I'd rather just watch Buzzfeed Tasty for better recipes and ENGLISH.
Where is search ?
It's not even recipes anymore...it's like spam...wtf
Uninstalling because I is no longer in English the way it used to be. A pointless app to have now! Goodbye!
Doesn't have any recipes but one per day that they recommend.
No search. Loading takes looonnggg... Time. Very unstable
Please provide in English. ...how to understand ur words ....
Loved it but it just needs to be in English
This used to be in English. What happened?
No English? Really
Its not in english! Hello!
See above
Not in English
Not in English
Nonsense app..
No English
Not in English
Not english
why is it only in some alien language? make english version
Not in english
Not in english
No english?!!!!!!
This app is not in English and I can't change it. I'm sure that I would like it and use it if I could read it. I'm uninstalling it.
The app is in Russian, and it's not translated in any kind of way to English. So impossible to read/use for a non-russian-spoken
I don't know what language this app is in but its not English and I can't find a way to switch it to English
Hate the fact it's not in English, can anyone actually change the language?
Totally useless app . In usa it needs to be in English so it can be used ,
This app is not in English I would have loved this if it was in English I'm unstalling this app
The language is wrong and I'm not even sure if this has settings. If it does, I can't read it because of the different language. And the recipes aren't even that good. The pictures look like they turn out dry. I'd rather just watch Buzzfeed Tasty for better recipes and ENGLISH.
This only read in Russia can't adjust to English
Why no English?!?! Ughh...hiding your secrets
It's only in Russian and something called LAT. Damnit!
Get it going in English!#
Very disappointed. Uninstalling ASAP
by S####:
Laba aplikacija,noderigas receptes. Stupid english people- main tittle said tasty.LV not tasty.UK or tasty.US NOT EVERY APP WILL BE IN ENGLISH