About Local Weather Forecast
Local Weather Forecast is exceptionally easy to use app for staying always updated with the Local Weather Forecast conditions.
Weather Local Weather Forecast & Forecast app: accurate real-time weather report, minute-by-minute forecasts, 9 day’s weather forecast, weather Local Weather Forecast, weather details, severe weather alerts, weather widgets and weather lock screen, is your best choice to get comprehensive weather information.
The Local Weather Forecast app is specifically designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible. With just one click you receive the Local Weather Forecast condition in your status bar at your current location.
☀Real-Time Weather: Weather condition now. Temperature in status bar.
☀Weather Forecast: Minute-by-minute & hourly & 9 day’s weather forecasts.
Using GPS, Dark Sky is able to create forecasts for your precise location, giving you minute-by-minute predictions for the next hour and hour-by-hour forecasts for the next day and week.
☀Weather Local Weather Forecast Maps: Fast-loading Local Weather Forecast maps show clouds, temperature, waves, pressure, wind speeds, water temperature readings, rain & snow cover and more. Helpful for ski reports, travel forecasts...
The climate state is gorgeously animated so that you can almost experience it, seeing how the Local Weather Forecast comes alive.
The app is using Local Weather Forecast Underground as a data channel and the live updates are really tiny so that you would not use up your data cap.
Coverage Info:
Live Weather are available for the United States (Continental US, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico), Canada, Australia, European Union (the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Italy (western), Denmark (southeast), Poland (western), Czech Republic, Austria (northwestern), Japan and Many More Country.
- Local Weather Forecast supports geo-positioning, retrieving the latest Local Weather Forecast conditions for your current location
- An option to manually add your location
- Hourly and weekly forecasts
- Intuitive, seamless user interface
- Local Weather Forecast benefits all known screen resolutions
- Tap on the temperature to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit
- Choose by yourself what will be the next feature of Local Weather Forecast! Leave a comment or send us an e-mail and help us make Local Weather Forecast the best app of its kind.
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