About 運動鬧鐘
想要建立運動習慣不是去上一兩次團體課程就可養成的。因此,【中華民國健身運動協會】特別設計此APP,透過便利的智慧型手機,讓大家以簡單的操作方式連結本協會在Youtube上的運動頻道,並且設計提醒功能就像是您個人的運動教練,讓您輕鬆養成運動習慣。 Exercise habits than to want to build on a two organizations can develop the curriculum. Therefore, the [Association] ROC exercise specially designed this APP, through the convenience of a smartphone, so that everyone in a simple operation on Youtube link of the Association of the Sports Channel, and is designed to remind function just like your personal trainer allows you to easily develop exercise habits.