About How to Draw Unicorns
Learn how to draw unicorns
Fantasy animals can sometimes be beautiful, ugly, grotesque, and even captivating. One of the more visually captivating creatures that is part of tales and folklore, is the unicorns. Growing up, children are told how unicorns carry magical powers that can break spells, cause people to fall in love, and control the natural balance between heaven and earth. This section has drawing tutorials that will teach you “how to draw unicorns, step by step”. Some of the more famous or well known unicorns are from movies like "Legend", which was one of Tom Cruise's first movies, and the animated movie “The Last Unicorn”. There are other depictions that talk about this creature, and sometimes not all of the tales end well. Another fantasy animal that is sometimes confused with the unicorn is Pegasus, the flying horse with wings. There is so many different ways that you can draw unicorns, and with every way, you can color them to look magical, or place unique markings on their hydes to add personal touches. If you are still not sure what unicorn you want to start drawing, look at the lessons that are in this section, and choose the one you think is best. No matter what unicorn you choose to sketch, you will still have fun nonetheless.