
생명의어록집 Free App

Rated 4.76/5 (1,968) —  Free Android application by Shincheonji


About 생명의어록집

좋은 글은 사람의 마음을 바꿀 수 있습니다.
생명의 글을 통해 생명을 얻고 믿음의 글을 통해 굳건한 믿음을 가질 수 있게 되기를 바랍니다.

이 시대에 이루어진 신약의 예언! 모든 것을 보고 듣고 판단하세요.
신천지는 예수님의 약속대로 이 땅에 이루어진 하나님의 나라입니다.
신천지는 추수되지 못한자들을 추수하고, 구원 받지 못한 자들을 구원받게 하기 위해
지금도 값없이 하나님의 말씀을 전하고 있습니다.
듣는 자는 깨달으라고 지금도 하나님과 예수님께서는 외치고 계십니다.
(http://www.scjbible.tv) You can change the minds of the good people.
Article of faith to get through life writing life to be able to have a firm belief.

Prophecy made in this era of the New Testament! Judge see and hear everything.
Xintiandi on this earth according to the promise of Jesus made the kingdom of God.
Xintiandi Students who do not harvest, and harvest them to be the salvation of the unsaved
Still preaching the Word of God is without value.
Who listens realize are still God and Jesus shouting. Said.

How to Download / Install

Download and install 생명의어록집 version 2.3 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: kr.shinchonji.scjwise, download 생명의어록집.apk

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일부기종에서 발생하는 오류 수정
Version update 생명의어록집 was updated to version 2.3
More downloads  생명의어록집 reached 100 000 - 500 000 downloads
More downloads  생명의어록집 reached 50 000 - 100 000 downloads
Version update 생명의어록집 was updated to version 2.2

What are users saying about 생명의어록집

by U####:

This app has changed many lives such words of wisdom. People who think he is a cult don't know Scripture at all. They only follow rumors from people they trust and are deceived in that way. NOT ONE PERSON TO THIS DAY HAS PROVED HIM TO BE FALSE NOR HAS HAD A TALK WITH HIM ABOUT THE BIBLE NOR TAKEN A BIBLICAL TEST BECAUSE EVERYONE IS AFRAID AND RATHER THEN PROVE HIM FALSE WITH SCRIPTURE THEY SPREAD RIDICULOUS RUMORS. Lets all be smart believers and distinguish the spirits

by O####:

This app has changed many lives such words of wisdom. People who think he is a cult don't know Scripture at all. They only follow rumors from people they trust and are deceived in that way. NOT ONE PERSON TO THIS DAY HAS PROVED HIM TO BE FALSE NOR HAS HAD A TALK WITH HIM ABOUT THE BIBLE NOR TAKEN A BIBLICAL TEST BECAUSE EVERYONE IS AFRAID AND RATHER THEN PROVE HIM FALSE WITH SCRIPTURE THEY SPREAD RIDICULOUS RUMORS. Lets all be smart believers and distinguish the spirits

by D####:

소경 귀머거리와 벌거숭이들이 넘쳐나네요 개독 사단 마귀들 당신들이 말하는 신천지가 사이비 이단이면 왜 나날이 성도가 늘어나고 발전해가나요? 반면 왜 기독교들은 신도가 줄어들고 교회가 망해가나요? 왜 그럴까라는 생각은 안해봤나요? 그건 다 진리를 깨닫고 어떤 것이 옳은 길이고 바른 것인지 알았기 때문이에요 부패와 타락으로 가득하고 비진리를 가르치는 목자들과 교회가 당신들을 지옥으로 인도하는 중인데 그런 것도 모르고 잘못된 말들과 기독단체에서 퍼뜨린 증거없는 허위사실로 하여금 오해하지 말고 직접 실체를 보고 느끼고 세상의 이치와 진리좀 깨달으세요 이 무지한 개 돼지만도 못한 자들아

by V####:

This app has changed many lives such words of wisdom. People who think he is a cult don't know Scripture at all. They only follow rumors from people they trust and are deceived in that way. NOT ONE PERSON TO THIS DAY HAS PROVED HIM TO BE FALSE NOR HAS HAD A TALK WITH HIM ABOUT THE BIBLE NOR TAKEN A BIBLICAL TEST BECAUSE EVERYONE IS AFRAID AND RATHER THEN PROVE HIM FALSE WITH SCRIPTURE THEY SPREAD RIDICULOUS RUMORS. Lets all be smart believers and distinguish the spirits

by Z####:

this group is a cult! do not suport them in their completely false beliefs by downloading this app!! look it up for yourself and you will see this is not of God!!! man hee lee is a lier and false prophet!!!

by H####:

Wish there is more apps like this and for iphones too!

by X####:

love it... SCJ NY 화팅!

by Z####:

언제나 힐링이되는 생명의어록 항상감사합니다~

by U####:

아 신천지였네 이단.. 차라리 안믿고 지옥가면 억울하지나 않지. 죽어라 믿고 엉뚱한것 믿어서 지옥가면 억울해서 어쩌나. 오직 길이요 진리요 생명이신 예수님을 바로 아시길..

by W####:

:) so cute This app is worthy of 10stars! Thank you creators of app and thank you for words of life

by L####:

for life love it... SCJ NY 화팅!

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