About 갤러리이배 ( Gallery Lee & Bae )
2010년 부산 해운대에서 개관한 갤러리 이배는 국내외를 대표하는 작가들의 작품으로 수준 높은 기획 전시를 선보이며, 순수현대회화 뿐만 아니라 조각, 판화, 사진 등 시각 예술의 전 분야를 아우르는 다양한 전시기획으로 예술 공간으로서의 본연의 의무를 충실히 이행하고 있다.
갤러리 이배는 다양한 프로그램을 통해 작가의 작품 활동을 지원하고 있다. 갤러리가 지닌 기능 중 전시와 운영의 기능을 성실히 수행함과 동시에 작가 발굴과 후원의 기능을 수행하고자 2010년부터 를 시행하고 있다. 갤러리와 후원자 간의 작가 후원에 대한 적극적인 의지로 이루어지는 이 프로젝트는 전망 있는 작가에 대한 적극적이며 지속적인 후원으로 보다 수준 높은 예술세계를 창조하는 원동력이 된다.
갤러리 이배에서 2011년부터 시행 중인 은 매 2년마다 부산 및 경남 지역에 활동하는 젊은 작가 중 작품내용이 전시주제와 일치하며 창의성과 작품성이 뛰어난 작가를 선정하여 이들의 활동을 2년에 걸쳐 지원하는 프로그램이다. 전문가 집단으로 이루어진 자문위원회는 작가들의 작품을 주기적으로 평가하고 적절한 조언을 통해 작가들의 작품 활동을 지원한다.
갤러리 이배는 공예분야까지 미술의 범위를 확대하여 공예분야를 생활예술로 승화시킨 영국의 공예운동가이며 사상가인 Willam Morris의 취지를 이어받아 전시실을 2012년에 오픈하였다. 전시실에서는 도자공예, 금속공예, 목공예, 규방공예, 유리공예, 섬유공예 등 공예의 전 분야에 걸쳐 연중 기획전시가 이루어진다. 전시실은 최근 들어서 예술적 가치로서의 인식이 점점 퇴색되어가는 공예작품의 가치를 재고하고 더욱 폭 넓은 예술세계를 경험할 수 있는 좋은 기회를 제공한다.
갤러리 이배는 연구공간으로서 을 운영하고 있다. 은 국내외 약 7,000여 작가들의 정보를 수록한 아카이브를 구축하였으며 미술관련서적 및 잡지, 작가별 도록 등 다양한 국내외 도서를 구비하고 있다. 이 자료들은 작가 및 미술시장동향 분석을 통한 수준 높은 전시기획의 주요 자료로서 활용된다. 또한 을 통하여 제공되는 미술관련 정보는 미술애호가들로 하여금 작품에 대한 이해를 돕고 미술작품과 작가들에 대한 애정을 진작시키는 데 기여하게 된다.
The Gallery Lee & Bae was founded in Haeundae, Busan, Korea in 2010 as being an innovative showcase for the ongoing presentation and promotion of strong, visceral, and visionary contemporary art worldwide. The gallery is dedicated to exhibiting the work of ambitious contemporary artists at all levels of their careers and development.
The Gallery Lee & Bae represents a select group of emerging and established artists. The gallery has maintained a strong commitment to introducing cutting-edge art to Busan by Lee & Bae Young Artists program as well as representing artists of earlier generations whose work is particularly relevant to current trends and ideas. Fostering a continuum between the past and the present, the gallery's curatorial program seeks to reveal the relation between art and the conditions that surround it. The Lee & Bae Morris with preciousness to crafts is based on the spirit of Willam Morris, British thinker and show diverse craftworks, including ceramic art, art glass, woodcrafts, metal works etc. The Lee & Bae ArtLab, the research space of Gallery Lee & Bae, presents archives of more than 7,000 home and foreign artists and plays important roles in making outstanding exhibitions. Opened years in Haeundae 2010 Gallery This ship as art spaces in a variety of curatorial serves high-quality exhibitions with works of artists, pure modern painting, as well as encompassing all aspects of carving, engravings, photos, visual arts representing domestic and foreign and to fulfill its obligations.
Gallery twofold has been supporting the work of an artist through a variety of programs. Faithfully carrying out the functions of display and operating features of the gallery with the artist to simultaneously perform the functions of excavation and support since 2010 has implemented the . The author made an active commitment to the sponsorship between the gallery and sponsors of the project is positive in view artist is the driving force to create high art world than the level of ongoing support.
In the gallery twofold in force since 2011 is every two years, consistent with Busan and work information of young artists working in Gyeongnam exhibition themes and the selection of the artists is creativity and cinematic quality excellent a program to support their activity over a period of 2 years. Advisory Committee consisting of experts will evaluate the works of artists regularly and support the work of artists activity through appropriate advice.
Gallery twofold have inherited the spirit of the Willam Morris and the British Crafts activists were sublime crafts as living art to broaden the scope of art to crafts thinkers were open to showrooms in 2012. The exhibition consists of the exhibition during the year in all areas of crafts, including ceramic crafts, metal work, woodwork, zenana crafts, glass crafts, textile crafts. exhibition provides a good opportunity to reconsider the value of craft work is going to fade Recently, more and more recognized as an artistic value and can experience a wider world of art.
Gallery also operates a twofold as a study room. was built archive contains information about more than 7,000 local and foreign artists and a variety of domestic and foreign books, including art books and magazines, so by the artist. These materials are used as a primary source of high-level exhibition planning through the writer and the art market trends. Also art-related information provided through the is to enable a better understanding of the works of art lovers to contribute to stimulate a love for art and artists.
The Gallery Lee & Bae was founded in Haeundae, Busan, Korea in 2010 as being an innovative showcase for the ongoing presentation and promotion of strong, visceral, and visionary contemporary art worldwide. The gallery is dedicated to exhibiting the work of ambitious contemporary artists at all levels of their careers and development.
The Gallery Lee & Bae represents a select group of emerging and established artists. The gallery has maintained a strong commitment to introducing cutting-edge art to Busan by Lee & Bae Young Artists program as well as representing artists of earlier generations whose work is particularly relevant to current trends and ideas. Fostering a continuum between the past and the present, the gallery's curatorial program seeks to reveal the relation between art and the conditions that surround it. The Lee & Bae Morris with preciousness to crafts is based on the spirit of Willam Morris, British thinker and show diverse craftworks, including ceramic art, art glass, woodcrafts, metal works etc. The Lee & Bae ArtLab, the research space of Gallery Lee & Bae, presents archives of more than 7,000 home and foreign artists and plays important roles in making outstanding exhibitions.