About 피카코인 – 게임만 해도 돈버는 앱!
☆100만 회원이 함께 하는 1등 게임 전용 리워드 앱 피카코인! ☆
★ 모바일 게임 할 땐 피카코인! ★
100만 회원이 이용하는 피카코인은 몬스터 길들이기, 클래시 오브 클랜, 모두의마블, 세븐나이츠, 애니팡2, 쿠키런 등 내가 좋아하는 게임만 플레이하면 리워드가 지급되는 국내 유일 게임 전용 리워드 앱입니다.
★ ★ 피카코인 주요 기능 ★ ★
어떤 게임이든 5분플레이를 하고 종료하면 코인을 적립 할 수있는 팝업이 추가 되었습니다.
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코인게임 메뉴에서 미니게임, 가위바위보 등을 통해 코인을 적립하실 수 있습니다.
그 밖에 다양한 이벤트에 참여하시면 코인을 적립하실 수 있습니다.
적립한 코인은 문화상품권, 영화예매권, 통신료 할인권, 기프티콘, 게임아이템 등으로 교환하여 사용하실 수 있습니다.
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■■ 사용 권한 안내 ■■
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[USB 저장소]
앱내 1:1 문의 등록시 파일 첨부를 위해 사용됩니다
피카코인에 대하여 궁금하신 사항은 더보기 메뉴의 [1:1문의]를 통하여 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.
게임하고 돈버는 '피카코인' 설치하고 2배 더 즐거운 플레이하세요.
(안드로이드 OS버전 3.0 이하이신 분은 3.0이상으로 업그레이드 하신 후 정상적으로 사용하실 수 있습니다.)
개발자 연락처 :
금천구 가산동 371-59 신한이노플렉스 13층 ☆ 100 million members, is one such gaming Rewards app Picard coins together! ☆
When you want to PICARD coin ★ mobile games! ★
100 million members are using Picard Coin Monster Taming, Clash of Clans, all of Marble, Seven Nights, aenipang 2, the only domestic game only app that rewards Rewards are paid only if the cookie run, etc. I like to play games.
Key Features ★ ★ ★ ★ Pacifica coin
▶ game popup
When you play a game or five minutes and ends with a pop-up to earn a coin has been added.
▶ Reservations
Rare items presented at the same time as the game launches pre-release reservations
It is also possible to share games with friends.
▶ Get Coins
Install, run, fun games and apps you need a coin you earn.
Coins in the game menu, you can earn coins through mini-games, rock, paper, scissors and more.
In addition you can participate in different events to earn coins.
▶ coin letter
Earn one coin can be used to exchange cultural gift certificates, movie advance tickets, discount coupons communication fee, Gifticon, such as game items.
In the mini-game coin game menu item purchase, apply for the prize, you can participate in rock-paper-scissors and the like.
By guerrillas events, unexpected events can be replaced or apply the popular mobile game items.
■■ ■■ permission Information
The descriptive phrase may be different depending on the OS version
Without the consent authority, depending on the OS version, the installation does not proceed
[Update component usage statistics;
It is used in various installation and check-alone missions
Shortcut installation and removal;
The shortcut is used for installation and removal
Screen Lock disabled;
It is used on the lock screen and use to restore
Draw over other apps]
Used to exit the pop-up displays
Receive text messages (SMS)]
It is used for sharing feature
[Direct dialing a phone number;
Used for dialing function on the lock screen
[Google service configuration read]
It is used to map features in PC App Find room
Run at startup
It is used on the lock screen
[Running apps Search
It is used to check the game
Network and GPS-based]
It is used to map features in PC App Find room
[Wi-Fi connection;
Information is used in window displays, depending on whether they use Wi-Fi
It is used to ensure normal communication
It is used to display Web content in App
[Vibration control;
Using the touch button,
[Read phone state and ID;
Mission mounted when not in use and check the phone
It used to operate
Receive data from the Internet;
It is used to push function
[Device sleep mode;
When the screen is turned off, it is used to show a message
[USB storage]
App 1:01 contact is used for the registration file attached
Picard any questions about the coin is the More menu: Please contact us through the [11 inquiries.
Games and earning money "Picard coin" Please install and twice more enjoyable to play.
(Android OS version 3.0 or minutes, who can be used normally after upgrading to 3.0.)
by T####:
예전에는 미션 같은 게 많이 있었는데 지금은 많이 있지도 않고 새로운 건가 해서 누르면 종료된 미션이라고 그러네요...그리고 5분이상 게임을 해도 적립하는 창이 안 떠요.