About 공인중개사요약집
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따라서 해당 과목에 대한 모든 내용을 포함하고 있지 않으며
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운좋게 1차 합격할 수 있었습니다. 금년에 2차 시험을 준비중인데
아직 개정된 부분에 대해 적용되지 않은 부분이 있으니
이점 양해해 주시기 바랍니다. 개정된 부분은 지속적으로
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시험보신 분들은 아시겠지만 공인중개사 시험 정말 만만치
않은 시험이고요 점점 더 난이도가 상승하는 추세입니다.
엄청나게 공부를 많이 하신 분들은 상관없겠지만 공부 시간이
많지 않은 경우엔 어느 정도 운빨도 필요한 시험입니다.
포기해야 할 문제는 과감히 포기하고 꼭 맞춰야 할 문제는
실수하지 않고 맞추는 것이 나름 전략이라고 생각이 드네요.
기존에 관련 공부를 하신 분들에게는 시험을 보기전에 마지막으로
전체 내용을 정리해 볼 수 있는 용도로도 사용 할 수 있습니다.
이 어플이 도움이 되어 보다 많은 분들이 합격하셨으면 좋겠습니다.
수험생 여러분들의 합격을 기원합니다.
개발자 연락처 :
+821039384801 Workers in those who prepare for the test or realtor
For those who do not have time to study the take off time as a housewife
Make it easier to study realtor bus or subway, etc.
First, I need to know just basically go from the contents of the secondary course
Summary information only to introduce a summary smartphone apps.
Vastly becoming increasingly difficult to be in accordance with the trend of the realtor test
If you do not have enough time to study yen to expect really a passing score
It becomes difficult. This application is eoryeowoona to expect a high-scoring
Through the study of the short-term it was created by only passing the goal.
Therefore, it does not contain all information about the course
Who wish to study minute details refer to books
I'm ready to go around the workplace were the last one chasiheom
Make a summary of information organized by studying the past to the application commute
Did not have much time to study and review at the time the teumteumhi
Luckily we were able to pass one car. Inde preparing a second test this year
So this section has not yet been applied to the revised parts
Please note the benefits. The revised section continuously
It will be updated.
You know realtor who saw the test is really tough test
Yigoyo not test the trend that more and more difficulty increase.
People who care are incredibly a lot of time studying this study Needless
If you have a lot unppal yen to some extent also required tests.
Issues that need to be abandoned and the issues to equalize just plunge waiver
I deuneyo think that it is its own strategy to match without mistakes.
If you have a related study on existing Finally, before the test
With a view to sum up the entire contents usage can also be used.
This application is useful I hope that more people did pass.
I wish you a candidate for acceptance.
by O####:
지하철에서 잠깐보기 좋아요.