About SingerKing Karaoke
We are Singer King Karaoke.
A YouTube channel dedicated to bringing you the best free karaoke content - from brand new tracks to old classics, we are committed to bringing you the biggest and boldest hits around!
Our channel caters to all genres including Pop, Rock, Alternative, Folk, Dance, Hip Hop, R&B and many more!
Whether you like to sing, scream, rap or shout along to your favorite tunes, this is the place to be.
So... if you fancy yourself as the next Bruno Mars or Katy Perry, or you simply just like to show off at a karaoke party with your buddies, then we have plenty of free karaoke videos to help you practice and hone your vocal mastery!
We upload new videos on a daily basis, sometimes more than one a day - so subscribe to our channel to stay tuned.
Above all else, we love to have a chat with our fans, so feel free to get involved and drop us a comment any time. :)
Stay classy singers!
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Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
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by U####:
It did not have the Pearson was sing it for example Olivia holt holt. It was not sing it was anoing I had no clue when she started or end