About 꿀키 레시피 (honeykki)
Hello, welcome to Honeykki's channel!
I'm living in S. Korea.
I make easy Korean foods, pretty dessert, and foods from movies, etc.
I upload videos on Mondays and Thursdays.
Other than that, I randomly upload videos.
Subscribe my channel, and enjoy my videos!
If there's any Korean food or culture that you're curious about.
안녕하세요. 꿀키 유튜브 채널에 오신걸 환영합니다!
쉬운 한국 요리부터 예쁜 디저트, 영화 속 요리, 재밌는 영상까지 다양하게 찍고 있어요.
음..매주 월요일, 목요일에 업로드 하려고 해요.
가끔씩 랜덤으로 올리기도 하고용!
채널 구독은 필수! 인스타그램 팔로잉하시면 더욱 빠르게 만나실 수 있어요! 오늘 하루도 맛있는 하루 보내세요! Hello, welcome to Honeykki's channel!
I'm living in S. Korea.
I make easy Korean foods, pretty dessert, and foods from movies, etc.
I upload videos on Mondays and Thursdays.
Other than that, I randomly upload videos.
Subscribe my channel, and enjoy my videos!
If there's any Korean food or culture that you're curious about.
Good morning. Welcome to kkulki YouTube channel!
Easy to cook from South Korea beautiful dessert dishes in the movie, I'm taking a variety of interesting images.
Well, I'm trying to upload every Monday and Thursday.
And sometimes for even posting a random!
Channel subscription is required! Following you can find Instagram Ying's faster! Have a good day today, one day!